A warm welcome! Please find on this page the manifold range of subjects treated by OD-Tools.

You may be familiar with OD-products or you're having a first glance, we hope you find what you're looking for. Some contents are free of charge, some are charged a reasonable price. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

The success story of OD-Tools and our cooperation

From 2001 - 2002 an international team of consultants and labor psychologists developed the very first product, a personality assessment tool named Trait-Map® (previously called FiT In) in Shanghai.

Developpers and Authors: Friedemann Demmer, Germany, and Gabor Nagy, Hungary.
The team developed in close cooperation with scientific consultants the English and the Chinese version at the same time. The important milestone for the developement was...


Partners all over Europe are welcome

Consultant, Trainer or Coach: You are very welcome to work with our tools.

Before usage, a short training is necessary. This simplifies your start with the system and we show you a sophisticated handling of the results.

The training is subject to a charge. Further costs will only arise in the case of active usage of the tools. Lump sums for initial usage do not exist.

You receive your own credentials...

Information for partners

Test 2 of our tools without any charge: Trait-Map® & MQ

You would like to further experience our tools?

We invite you to fill in our two questionnaires about the potential and motiviational analysis in order to get a first impression of our work. To do so, please go to www.go5.od-tools.com and insert the following code: free_access

You can download the reports right after filling in the questionnaires.

Please find a full overview here...


A self sufficient application for companies and their HR-Departments is possible

Besides OD-Map® all tools can be used after an inhouse training for recruiting, career planning, assessment centers...


Advantages of OD-Tools usage

  • Standardized questions/tasks and results provide reliable and comparable assessments
  • Comparisons over time are possible
  • Cost reduction due to an efficient online tool: 24/7 and worldwide available
  • Available in multiple languages: English, Hungarian, Italian, Chinese, Dutch
  • A manifold range of assessment tools and surveys for individual needs
  • Further customization is possible at any time
  • A separate company log-in for autonmous usage of trained tools is possible
  • Suitable for any company size: from (M)SMEs to national and global corporates
  • Data is hosted on an autonomous server in Germany; if personal and individual data has been requested it will be deleted after the end of the respective project